T’was the night
before Christ’s birth when all through
His House
Not a creature was
stirring, not even a mouse.
The tourists were
all snug in all Bethlehem’s beds
With visions of
census and family ahead.
Their prayers had
been said by those who believed
And asked that
Messiah would soon be received.
The angels were all
hushed as they waited in awe
for God’s plan of
the ages to be born in the straw.
Our flocks in the
hills were all settled down too,
With our kids and
the lambs and the rams and the ewes,
when out on the
hillside there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my
post to see what was the matter.
Fear of their power
flowed down to my knees
as the holiest of
choirs sang out their decrees.
Away to the manger
I flew in a dash
To see what God
wrought through a maiden so brash -
the light of The
Star on the newly-born face
Gave luster to
glories of mercy and grace
When what to our
wondering eyes should appear
but a God-Man, the
Savior, a baby so dear.
I followed His life
as He grew with his peers,
A Servant to all
with the courage to cheer –
Without a budget or
sermons in mind
He showed how to
live, and how to be kind.
He took some
fishermen and a tax agent too
Encouraged them all
with His Spirit anew.
‘On Simon, on
James, on John and on Phil
On Matt and
Andy, Bartholomew too,
To learn of My
purpose, to know of My will
To find out My
joys that you will fulfill.
T’was the night of
the Passover feast
He knew He still
faced the dreaded sin-beast
‘To the top of
the hill, to the top of the Cross
Now dash away,
dash away, all sin and all loss’.
To the grave that
seemed so final and cold
Hell thought it had
Him securely in hold.
T’was the night
before Easter as the sun did arise
The women were
shocked by the angels’ surprise.
They ran and they
told, then came the men,
The truth of the
Resurrection ‘Amen!’
‘What He
foretold is the ultimate truth
The war over sin
was won with the proof!’
To know of His
Spirit and to be so alive
To live with a
purpose and live with a stride.
Then up through the
clouds He slowly arose
but left us the
Pentecost Spirit’s sweet rose.
It’s now our turn
to spread His good cheer
For all of
creation and heaven to hear.
Tis the night
before eternity’s dawn
Then in a twinkling
we’ll all start to cheer
The Last Trump
announcing ‘The end is now here!’
The sword of His
Word He’ll hold in his teeth
The smoke of the
incense swirls round like a wreath,
With joy we will
see Him with nothing to dread
Tho’ He’s dressed
as a warrior from His foot to His head
His eyes, how
they’ll twinkle, His dimples, how merry
He’ll sing and
He’ll dance with believers so cherry.
We’ll feast at His
wedding, a banquet so great
Then rest in His
bedrooms of peace free of hate.
We’ll hear Him
exclaim as He takes to His throne
Christ-mass to all, and to all, welcome